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Between Heartbeats



Done for ~dizzykaleidoscope. :dance:

This was to portray love and adoration, a magical moment on a beach, where the world seemed to fade away. Nothing existed save for those two, the stark beauty of raw feelings.

This is less than 1/4 the original size of the image. :) If anyone wants any closeups of anything let me know, otherwise I probably won't do any.

Original size: 3072x5151px
62 active layers, 77 total.
Roughly 30-35 hours.
Done completely in CS2, aided with a Wacom Inuos3 tablet.

Stock credits:
Standing horse: ~achatinastock - [link]
Standing horses ears: ~SummerTime-Stock - [link]
Laying horses body: ~stockhorse - [link]
Laying horses neck/head: =starrynightxxi - [link]
Beach foreground: *Amarli-stock, c/o *Unrestricted-Stock - [link]
Beach texture/water: ~aliciaSatie - [link]
Clouds: *BreedStock - [link]
Moon: *kuschelirmel-stock - [link]
Some stars: ~Fune-Stock - [link]
Other stars/etc brushes: my own.

Edit: Reuploaded in full size for prints. Print image will not have the [link] mark on it.
Image size
911x1446px 392.25 KB
© 2008 - 2024 arrsistable
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Gourgeous!!! Love everything about it, it speaks a story within itself.